Who We Are

What is Rotary?

Rotary is an international membership organization comprised of people who share a passion for and commitment to enhancing communities and improving lives worldwide. Rotary clubs exist in almost every country. Our members change lives locally and connect with other clubs to work on international projects that address today’s most pressing challenges. Being a member is an opportunity to take action and make a difference, and it brings personal rewards and lifelong friendships in the process.

How Did We Get Here?

We’ve been making history and bringing our world closer together for over 100 years. The first Rotary Club was started in Chicago, Illinois, USA, in 1905 by an attorney named Paul Harris. Harris wanted to bring together a group of professionals with different backgrounds and skills to exchange ideas and form meaningful acquaintances. In August 1910, the 16 Rotary clubs in the United States formed the National Association of Rotary Clubs, now Rotary International. 1912 Rotary expanded to a few more countries, and by July 1925, Rotary clubs existed on six continents. Today, there are more than 35,000 clubs in almost every country.

Rotary Club of Monrovia

The Rotary Club of Monrovia was initially chartered by Rotary International on January 24, 1964, as the first Rotary Club in Liberia with 29 members from business and professional classifications that ranged from engineering to medicine to insurance to transportation, law and many others. Cllr. Christian Maxwell was the Charter President, and Mr Bobby Naidoo was the Charter Secretary. The club meetings were held on Fridays at 7 pm at the Ducor Hotel. Rotarians continued to meet and serve during the civil conflict, though infrequently. This resulted in a five-year lapse in the official relationship with Rotary International. Remaining committed to the Object of Rotary, the Rotary Club of Monrovia was re-chartered in 2000 to formally continue its service to the people of Liberia.

Following its initial charter in 1964, the Rotary Club of Monrovia sought others who were committed to Service Above Self and sponsored the Rotary Club of Yekepa in 1970, the Rotary Clubs of St Paul River and Buchanan in 1985, the Rotary Club of Gbarnga in 1987 and the Rotary Club of Sinkor in 2008. The Rotary Club of Monrovia was instrumental in supporting the chartering of the Rotary Club of Harper in 2007.

Rotary Club of Monrovia district administration is District 9101 , which includes the following countries: Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, and Sierra-Leone.